Recent Publications
Lauer, S., Wong, K.L.Y., Yan, M.C. (2022) Making friends at community organizations: How do place-based community organizations promote friendship formation? Report submitted to Policy Horizons Canada and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council.
Lauer, S. (2022). Cosmopolitan social infrastructure and cross-ethnic friendship. Current Sociology, Online first:
Yan, M.C. & Lauer, S.R. (2022). Connecting the dots: Neighbourhood houses and institutional accessibility. International Social Work, 65, 6, 1274-1288.
Lauer, S.R. & Yan, M.C. (2022). Social infrastructure and social capacity development among newcomers to Canada: The role of neighborhood houses in Vancouver. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23, 911-029.
Yan, M.C. & Lauer, S.R. (2021). Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: UBC Press.
Lauer, S. & Yan, M.C. (2021). Canadian immigrant youth and co-ethnic friendship group change. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44, 1, 639-658, (
Lauer, S. (2021). Social infrastructure for building community. pages 125-157 in Yan & Lauer Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Lauer, S. (2021). Social infrastructure for building community. pages 125-157 in Yan & Lauer Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Lauer, S., Yan. MC., Stebner, E. (2021). History of Vancouver neighbourhood houses and beyond. pages 29-64 in Yan & Lauer Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Lauer, S. & Yan. MC. (2021). Introduction. pages 3-27 in Yan & Lauer Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Yan, MC, & Lauer, S. (2021). Conclusion. pages 233-252 in Yan & Lauer Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Yan, MC, & Lauer, S. (2021). Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press.
Yan, M.C. & Lauer, S. (2018). An Inhospitable Transition: Immigrant Youth and the Labour Market. in Wilson-Forsberg, S., and Robinson, A. M. (Eds.) Immigrant Youth in Canada: Theoretical Approaches, Practical Issues, and Professional Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Mniszak, C, Yodanis, C. and Lauer, S. (2017). Couple Clothes. Contexts, 16, 3, 65-67.
Yodanis, C. & Lauer, S. (2017). Multiculturalism in inter-ethnic intimate relationships. Families, Relationships, and Societies, 6, 1, pp125-140.
Yan, M.C., Lauer, S., Riano-Alcala, P. (2017). Incorporating individual community assets in neighbourhood houses: Beyond the community-building tradition of settlement houses. International Social Work, 60, 6, 1591-1605
Yodanis, Carrie and Lauer, Sean. (2016). Getting Married: The public nature of our private relationships. New York: Routledge.
Yodanis, C and Lauer, S.R. (2014). Is marriage individualized? What couples actually do. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 6, 184-197.
Lauer, S.R. & Yodanis, C. 2014. Money management, gender and households. In Treas, J., Scott, J. & Richards, M.(eds) Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of the Family. Wiley-Blackwell.
Yan, M.C., Lam, C.M. & Lauer, S.R. (2014). Return migration or diaspora: An exploratory study of new-generation Chinese-Canadian youth working in Hong Kong. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 15, 179-96.
Lauer, S.R., & Yan, M. C. (2013). Voluntary association involvement and immigrant network diversity. International Migration, 51, 133-150.
Yodanis, C., Lauer, S.R., Ota, Risako (2012). Inter-ethnic romantic relationships: Enacting affiliative ethnic identities. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, 1-17.
Yan, M.C. & Lauer, S.R. (2012). Double Jeopardy: An exploratory study of youth from immigrant families entering the job market. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 10, 96-115.
Wilkinson, L. Yan, M.C. Tsang, A.K.T. Sin, R. and Lauer, S. (2012). The School-to-Work Transitions of Newcomer Youth in Canada, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 44, 3, pp. 29-44
Lauer, S.R., Yan. M.C., Wilkinson, L., Sin, R., & Tsang, A.K.T. (2011). Immigrant Youth and Employment: Exploring the experiences of newly arrived immigrant youth in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Lauer, S.R. & Yodanis, C. (2011). Individualized marriage and the integration of resources. Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, 669-683.
Lauer, S.R. & Yan, M.C. (2011). Neighbourhood Houses in Vancouver: Bridging differences in the community. Diverse Cities, 8, 87-92.
Lauer, S.R. & Wong, Q. (2010). Transnationalism over the life course. Sociology Compass, 4, 1054-1062.
Lauer, S.R., & Yodanis, C. (2010) The deinstitutionalization of marriage revisited: New institutional approach to changes in marriage. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 2, 58-72.
Yan, M.C., S.R. Lauer and R. Sin. (2009). Issues in community rebuilding: The tasks of settlement houses in two cities. Social Development Issues. 31: 39-54.
Yan, M.C., Lauer, S.R. & Chan, S. (2009). Social capital and the labour market process among new generation youth from visible minority immigrant families. Metropolis, BC. Working Paper 09-01.
Yan, M.C. and S.R. Lauer (2008). Riding the Boom: Labour Market Experiences of New Generation Youth from Visible Minority Immigrant Families. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 40: 129-148.
Lauer, S.R. (2008) Exchange relationships in inshore fisheries. Sociological Forum 23: 503-535.
Yan, M.C. & Lauer, S.R. (2008) Social capitaland ethno-cultural diverse immigrants: A Canadian study of Settlement Houses and social integration. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 17 (3).
Yodanis, C. L., & Lauer, S. R. (2007) Managing money in marriage: Multilevel and cross-national effects of the breadwinner role. Journal of Marriage and Family 69, 1308-1326.
Lauer, S. R., & Yan, M. C. (2007). Neighbourhood house membership and immigrant's community bridging ties. Vancouver Centre of Excellence Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis, Working Paper series.
Yodanis, C. L., & Lauer, S. R. (2007). Economic inequality and the distribution of money in marriage: Individual resources and institutional context.European Sociological Review 23(5).