A pillar of our course is the application of concepts and discussions through learning activities. Each activity provides an opportunity to explore some aspect of the course materials to your own life or the world around you.

Each activity includes two parts:

1) I’ll ask you to complete some pre-class work for each activity. I will typically upload the guidelines on Wednesday. Each pre-class assignment will include some written summary that you will turn in on Monday and receive 1 point for contributing.

2) During class we will build on the pre-class work through group activities. You will receive 1 point for participating in the in-class activities. If you are not in class, for any reason, you can NOT make up this work. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Here are some suggestions for succeeding in the application and learning activities:

- Be prepared to spend some time on the weekend working on the pre-class assignments. You can expect them to take a few hours each week. Planning ahead is a good idea.

- Always prepare and print your pre-class submissions before class on Mondays. No papers are accepted after class.

- Don’t miss an activity day. These are a one time opportunity and they can not be made up at a later date.

- You can find the activities in the drop down menu above or by clicking the buttons below.